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John Malueg

Vice President

Photo of John

John is a global leader in recovery and disaster management. With a focus on community-based resiliency planning, he’s a critical partner to both communities and public agencies as they develop plans and implement programs that increase resiliency against chronic stresses and acute shocks. He’s an expert in FEMA, USACE, and HUD risk identification, disaster response, and hazard mitigation. In his 30-year career, his leadership and management positions in both government and private consulting have focused on solving problems, maximizing opportunities, and gaining resilience.

After Hurricane Sandy, John led New York City’s disaster response for the NYC Health + Hospitals Bellevue, Coler, and Coney Island. As a subject matter expert, he supported HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition, where we helped three of our clients secure over $225 million in funding. His commitment? Restoring quality of life. He’s worked with FEMA to assess critical infrastructure, evaluate recovery options, and secure reimbursements for clients.

Currently, John’s helping to facilitate and lead our Platform Partnership with 100 Resilient Cities (100RC), an organization dedicated to helping cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social, and economic challenges they face.

Resilience–what are communities asking?

John looks at HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition as a way for communities to fund their resilience efforts.

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